Arizona Mountain Botanicals is a family-owned business that came into existence after over 25 years of passionate learning and harvesting of all things fungi. The initial intrigue of entheogenic mushrooms opened up a world of never-ending learning and amazement. The Arizona mountains are a hidden gem for a diverse host of edible and medicinal fungi.

Before becoming AZ Mountain Botanicals we were simply fulfilling a desire to find delectable, edible mushrooms locally. In our venture, we met a lot of people who were interested in foraging mushrooms, but not sure where to start and/or discouraged by the information they found online. We became aware that there was a need for reliable, accurate, and consistent information regarding fungi within the United States. We started helping friends acquire their much-desired mushrooms and it continued to grow into a business.

Foraging mushrooms is done by our team of experts with skill and care, picking only the highest quality of mushrooms. We process our mushrooms carefully by thoroughly cleaning them, and drying them in commercial stainless steel dehydrators. Mushrooms are then sealed in airtight and moisture-free packages to ensure proper preservation and longevity.

We love to share our passion and mushrooms with all that are interested! Arizona Mountain Botanicals welcomes you to our ever-growing community!